Surgical Dermatology

Surgical Dermatology is the use of specialized surgical procedures to treat medical and cosmetic disorders or conditions of the skin, hair, nails, and lips. We encourage you to schedule a visit to receive a proper diagnosis of your condition.

  • moles and skin tags need surgical treatment at Pure Dermatology

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  • doctor examining skin tag mole

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  • dermatologist removing mole

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Conditions & Treatments

  • Earlobe repair
  • Removal of moles
  • Removal of unwanted growths
  • Removal of cysts 
  • Removal of Cancerous growths
  • Melanoma surgery
  • Skin Cancer

Keep reading below to learn more about each treatment.

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Earlobe Repair

Surgical earlobe repair is a simple procedure that restores and reconstructs torn or stretched earlobes from trauma, large piercings, gauging, prolonged wear of heavy earrings, and other injuries to the earlobes. The procedure usually lasts between 15 to 30 minutes to complete and should require no down time from the patient.

Removal of Moles, Cysts, Cancerous Growths, and other unwanted growths

We offer an array of minimally invasive procedures for removing moles (small, colored spots on the skin), cysts (a fluid filled sac under the skin), cancerous growths (abnormal bumps, open lesions, raised patches of skin), and other unwanted growths on the skin (keloids, skin tags, unwanted facial hair, warts, etc). We use targeted and advanced techniques to minimize trauma to the skin and affected areas, while preserving your health and appearance. 

Melanoma Surgery

Melanoma surgery involves the removal or excision of the melanoma, including an appropriate margin of the surrounding normal skin tissue. The excised tissue is sent in for evaluation to determine the direction of follow-up treatment.

Skin Cancer Surgery

Skin cancer surgery is the removal of the cancerous tumor or growth in the skin. Effective surgical options include surgical excision (removal of the tumor and a small margin of surrounding normal skin tissue), cryosurgery (freezing the cancerous growth with liquid nitrogen), electrodessication and curettage and Mohs micrographic surgery (a specialized method that involves step by step removal of cancerous tissue by removing only thin layers of skin at a time).


Call us at 310-954-9501, or click the button below to book via our online scheduler.

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